I gotta tell you guys, I am a HUGE fan of Craigslist! We've scored some major coups on that site. Most recently, like tonight, we got a solid pine armoire for little guys room for $60! The girl paid something like $250 for it, but didn't need it anymore and wanted to get rid of it. It's the perfect size, with two doors on top and a hanging bar, and two drawers on the bottom.
Sigh... now I have to paint the darn thing! It's natural pine with no stain, just like we wanted, but I am dreading the sanding, priming, painting part of it. I did all of Jack's furniture when we lived in GA, but it was different. I needed a project so as not to go completely insane from waiting. Now I have a lovely pre-schooler that wants to "help" me with everything. Don't get me wrong, I let him help with anything I can, but painting is one of those things that is fraught with potential disaster. Especially when you're painting inside the house, on 106 year old heart pine floors... see where I'm going with this?
I guess I could put drop cloths down over the entire house, and let him help. I'll be sure to take pictures of the ensuing chaos! I'm gonna go ahead and say "I told you so" to myself about the paint. It won't be pretty.
So, any good deals off Craigslist for you?
Will Not Be Influenced By The Influencer, Part 8
3 hours ago
kim & lance, a hello back at you from "round two russia"..! i have you bookmarked and look forward to following!